Artist: Sofia Cianciulli

Building / Client: Public art commission
for International Women’s Day, Wembley Park

“How beautiful change
can be”

Artistic Statements were thrilled to work with multi-disciplinary artist Sofia Cianciulli for a commission for Wembley Park to celebrate International Women’s Day 2022.

E-MOTION explores the body and movement, self-love, change, and feelings of connection / disconnection. The project illuminated public spaces surrounding Wembley Park, including the iconic Bobby Moore Bridge which was lit up with inspiring messages, digital totems that frame the famous Olympic Way, and playful red phone boxes.

Some of the pieces depicted larger-than-life sized figures, giving a sense of connection to passers by. Blurry representations of a woman dancing, running, or reading evoked the essence of the theme “how beautiful change can be” and expressed the artist’s personal experience of shifting emotions from negative to positive – disconnecting from the noise outside in order to reconnect mind and body within, and positively shift her experience of reality.

Part of Figures of Change, Wembley Park’s all-female public art trail honouring International Women's Day 2022.

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“Uplifting, larger-than-life artworks”